Open data usage

Users don’t just want data visualization, they want to share business experiences.​

​​Our Open Data Usage accelerator enables a democratized access and utilization of data.​

Expose your business use cases

Share best practices from your experts.

Offer your data as self-service

Your data is available on-demand internally and externally.​

Display your transparency

Your data is communicated transparently within your ecosystem.​

Exploitez vous même l'information

Valorisez et enrichissez vos données ainsi que les usages qui vous sont exposés

Adoptez l’organisation Data Driven

Renforcez la culture de la donnée au sein de votre organisation

Concevez de nouveaux services

Vos données sont utilisées comme leviers de création de valeur et de services

Open Data is not just a way of communicating,
it must enable the sharing of business uses and the creation of new values.

​What the market offers you today​

Open Data usage with Suadeo

Ce que le marché attendra demain

Usage in Open Data with Suadeo: strategic assets

The use of Open Data must become a strategic asset for your organization through your performance indicators.

Share best practices​!

The Suadeo Open Data Usage Accelerator offers complete freedom to all your employees.

From data integration to dissemination, your employees can easily and quickly explore and share their insights​

Connect & Integrate

The platform connects to your sources and retrieves all your data​

Catalog & Organize

Your data is enriched with your models and uses​


Create & Visualize

In Low Code mode, you can easily design your apps and dashboards.​


Share & Utilize

Your data and its uses are accessible self-service to selected individuals​

Visuchir, the Open Data solution for surgical facilities

Visuchir, la Solution Open Data des établissements chirurgicaux

Thanks to Suadeo, Frech Health Insurance is launching its new interactive open data tool on surgical practices.

The Suadeo Self Data Services® platform enables organizations to address Open Data challenges with shorter timelines and less reliance on technical teams​.

Find out why CNSA
chose Suadeo

Visuchir, la Solution Open Data des établissements chirurgicaux

Thanks to Suadeo, the CNSA facilitates the user experience and improves the knowledge of the offer for the general public and its users via its open data barometer.

Create new value with your data.

Imagine and design your new data-driven services with complete freedom​

A single point of access.

Forget the connections between an accumulation of tools, your non-I.T. business employees must be autonomous and responsive: offer them the freedom to test their intuitions, offer them the Suadeo Self Data Services® platform.

Usage in Open Data with Suadeo : autonomy and responsiveness
No code Usage in Open Data

Effortless enrichment.

Easily in a No Code environment, you can format, rework and contextualize all your content to optimize the quality of your data.
The available automations allow you to process your data instantly and with advanced processing without ever writing a single line of code.

Free and autonomous consumption

Our Open Usage Data accelerator for allows you to give your users access to your data publications in complete safety according to your regulations.
Your publications are structured and usable by your self-service community in one place.

Usage Open Data Suadeo sécirisé
Usage Open Data Suadeo : visualisation dynamique

A clear and dynamic visualization

Our integrated DataViz solutions allow you to create dashboards, reports, KPIs and performance indicators that will make your data intelligible.
You can easily design your content in No Code with a real-time preview in a full web and responsive environment.

A powerful and flexible accelerator to adapt to all your use cases​

Express deployment:

Flexible technical setup and quick onboarding of the platform​

Easy integration:

All your data sources are seamlessly connected to the platform​

User Friendly

Build effortlessly without code and easily share in any format

End-to-end security

Your data is fully protected throughout its lifecycle.​

Scalable and customized

Whatever your use cases, we provide you with a tailor-made solution​

The Suadeo Usage in Open Data® accelerator is the result of the LEGO® brick set we have already built with our clients

By leveraging all the data processing, data exposure, and Low Code application development services, dynamically share your business expertise​

usage open data modulable et personnalisable
Self Data Service Platform Suadeo

Play with us!

Take over and let’s continue to build tomorrow’s solutions together.


Empowered by Suadeo, the National Health Insurance launches its new interactive open data tool on surgical practices!

“A big bravo and thank you for this tremendous work that keeps getting better!“

Pr. Corinne Vons

President of AFCA

“Absolutely perfect! And with the update. A huge thank you! “

Pr. Muriel Mathonnet

President of CNP

“Congratulations on the evolution and the speed of accessing data.”

Pr. Catherine Creuzot

SFO Coordinator

Adopter l’organisation Data Driven avec l’accélérateur d’Usage en Open Data

Exploiter les bonnes données au bon moment

Anticiper les réactions de vos utilisateurs

Connaître et comprendre les comportements

Prévoir les tendances et les stratégies

Usage Open Data Suadeo
Analyse Data Driven

Notre accélérateur d’Usage en Open Data pour permet de déployer dans votre organisation une approche Data Driven axée sur l’observation et l’organisation de votre data dans le but d’optimiser vos décisions stratégiques.

Offrez à vos collaborateurs les outils pour prendre leurs meilleures décisions stratégiques sur la base d’une analyse et d’une interprétation des données.

Instaurez une véritable culture de la donnée au sein des métiers sans les faire passer par les étapes I.T.

Rendez vos collaborateurs autonomes et réactifs en leur permettant de créer eux-mêmes leurs propres outils façonnés pour leurs usages et leurs métiers.

Accelérateur d'usage open data de Suadeo

L’Open Data au coeur de nos valeurs


La transparence des organisations ne passera qu’avec une Open Data éclairée.


Le partage du savoir et du pouvoir avec les citoyens avec une meilleure lisibilité.


L’outil indispensable pour remettre le citoyen au centre des informations et des décisions.

Book your demo

Suadeo is the solution that gives businesses 100% control and visibility over their entire data.

Duration: 30 minutes

Format: Video conference

Hundreds of companies have chosen Suadeo, ask us why!