When CNSA relies on self-bi to transform its data management

“Social Security Autonomy Branch, the CNSA has equipped itself with a Data service platform from the publisher Suadeo. Objectives: to optimize the management of its data, expose information in open data and improve access and use of the Data.” An article published in ZDNet

Copy of the article signed by Christophe AUFFRAY, published in ZDNET on 06/01/2025

“The platform is usually one of the pillars of an organization’s data strategy. In this area, the Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l’Autonomie (CNSA), a branch of the Social Security, chose the French publisher Suadeo.

Suadeo is the provider of a processing engine for data extraction and distribution.

For its own needs, CNSA has therefore deployed Suadeo Self Data Services, an end-to-end platform.

Continuous increase in data volume

The goal of the solution: “empower business users in data exploitation” More generally, the CIO of the organization was responsible for centralizing, exploiting and sharing information, but also for ensuring its security and accessibility to users.

And if Data has become a concern for the IT Department and its business partners, it is because of the continuous increase in the number of beneficiaries and the volume of data. The Social Security branch now covers 1.5 million elderly people with loss of autonomy.

By 2060, this number is expected to grow strongly due to the aging of the French population (24 million people aged 60 and over). This demographic trend means increased pressure on the IS and new needs.

Ambitions, activities and data management

The IT Department of the CNSA has therefore “embarked on a major project to modernize its information systems, with the aim of improving the management of its activities and the management of data and resources”.

To this end, the Caisse has evaluated some 15 BI publishers on the basis of several key parameters. Among these, the quality of service and access to rights, strengthening knowledge and activity management through data, hosting sovereignty.

The project was initiated by CNSA in 2020 with the first milestone of identifying relevant tools for DataViz, data analysis and as a Data platform.

The purpose: “to help us make better use of the data we have accumulated over all these years,” says CIO Macaire Lawin.

Following a series of PoC, the Caisse selected Suadeo, in particular because of its functional scope allowing it to cover the entire data life cycle, “including the Infrastructure and Service layer”.

Reporting, Open Data and Calculator

The IT Direction also highlights the solution’s ability to “configure, from a single platform, various data visualization interfaces” and then, if necessary, make them publicly available via open data.

Based on the platform, CNSA’s IT teams have implemented various data retrieval tools, including interactive datavisualization financial reports for measuring the financial situation of regional and national activities.

An open data satisfaction barometer and a compensation package calculator have also been developed. The calculation application aims to improve the accuracy of reimbursements to beneficiaries through the integration of complex management rules.

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