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SASU with share capital of 80,000 € registered in the Register of Commerce and Companies of Créteil under number 479 867 889
Intra-Community VAT No. FR04479867889
Head office: 1 Boulevard Hippolyte Marquès – 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine – France
Tél : +33 (0)1 88 28 74 49
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Director of publication
Azzeddine BENDJEBBOUR, President.
Stock Adobe, Canva Photos
Web host
SAS with capital of 10 174 560 €
registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Lille Métropole under number 424 761 419
intra-Community VAT No. FR 22,424,761,419
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
Tél : +33 (0)9 72 10 10 07
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By accessing the Suadeo website, the user expressly accepts the terms of this disclaimer and is invited in case of disagreement not to use the Suadeo website.
To illustrate the possibility of easily building and customizing the platform according to its own uses, via an assembly set of integrated components and services, Suadeo makes the analogy with the LEGO® brick set. Please note that LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group that does not sponsor, authorize or support this site.
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The content of the Suadeo website, including texts, graphics, images, videos, logos, and other materials, is protected by copyright laws. All reproduction rights, on any medium whatsoever, are reserved. The reproduction, distribution, modification or any use of the content of all or part of this site is prohibited, unless expressly authorized by Suadeo.
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Suadeo’s website may provide links to third party sites. These links are provided for information purposes only and the content of these third-party pages is not the responsibility of Suadeo. The presence of these links does not necessarily imply affiliation or approval by Suadeo. Any public or private site is authorized to establish, without prior authorization, a link to the information disseminated by the website of Suadeo, subject to pointing directly to the desired document or content, to mention the source that will point directly to the intended content, not to use the Suadeo logo without permission. The sites pointing to the Suadeo website are liable if they harm the image of Suadeo.
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For more information, we invite you to consult our Privacy Policy.
Book your demo
Suadeo is the solution that gives businesses 100% control and visibility over their entire data.
Duration: 30 minutes
Format: Video conference
Hundreds of companies have chosen Suadeo, ask us why!