Olivier SAURA: The seven sins of strategic execution

The implementation of a corporate strategy buttes on many organizational flaws. Here is the list of the seven most classic crossovers and tracks to straighten the bar. Strategic execution is not a recognized activity. Many company departments simply define their...
New European Regulation GDPR

New European Regulation GDPR

Last year, the health platform, Carte Blanche Partenaires, which manages more than 2 million flows per year with personal data, decided to tackle the problem of private data management. « Very few insurance players are already involved while it is time. » C. C. (Code...
Suadeo Campaign on LCI News Channel

Suadeo Campaign on LCI News Channel

Discover it here Suadeo and Carte Blanche Partenaires set up the first Big Data Health platform in France. Complete Business Intelligence software platform (ETL, Dashboard, Report, Query, Multidimensional, etc.), analytical and digital; it covers all the professions...