Olympic Games 2024
Find out why Suadeo is called a Game Changer
To ensure the smooth running of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Suadeo was selected by Beauvau ahead of Atos, Thales and the American giant Palantir.
Explore the reasons for success forged by 20 years of R&D.

Olympic Games 2024: Beauvau’s big data platform entrusted to Suadeo
At Suadeo, we do not just provide analytics and big data solutions.
We establish wew standard for Business teams and IT Services.
In 2024, we proved that no challenge is insurmountable.
In 18 months, we have transformed BI and data into a next-generation digital ecosystem.
With the emergence of a federative interdepartmental working community.

Sport and medals
to create the hypervision platform for the 2024 Olympic Games
to deploy each new business feature
Dynamic Situation Points referred to authorities every day
real-time planned and supervised vacations (HRM)
“Suadeo has transformed our organization through a disruptive digital ecosystem”
“18 months is very fast to start from nothing to an integrated platform used by all interministerial operators”
Colonel Christophe Deshayes, CNCS Chief of Staff, unveils the behind-the-scenes of this iconic project during a plenary conference at the BIG DATA & AI PARIS 2024 trade show. Find out the main part of his testimony in this video, or the full conference by clicking on this button.
“This unprecedented experience has changed the way we work in interdepartmental coordination and collaboration quite radically.”
"Within the state, it is a revolution"
“It was the ambition and the challenge of the Ministry of the Interior to equip itself with a completely new information system integrating data to ensure strategic management of the 2024 Olympic Games.
The whole organization, operation and system we deployed worked very well and met our authorities’ expectations.”

Use Case : a strategic digital ecosystem
For controlled Olympic games. Download this booklet that presents the behind-the-scenes of the JO 2024 hypervision project within the National Strategic Command Centre. How the hypervision platform was configured from Suadeo Self Data Services, and what the business team says about it.
An exceptional architecture: Big Data, Kubernetes, Data Mesh, DR-approved
” If there was a topic to improve, a new feature, we could do it as many times as needed, because we had put in place the necessary conditions of security and digital trust.”
Eric Tiquet, Deputy Director of Data and Innovation at DTNum (Ministry of the Interior – France).

Kubernetes Deployment, DR Approval
Thanks to Kubernetes, its automated CI/CD deployment chains, and security rules, deployments were industrialized.

Agile, flexible infrastructure
Multi-cloud, hybrid, on-premise hosting… the technical infrastructure of Suadeo is compatible with all environments.
Strategic data in real time
To control and coordinate complex operations: 360° view (internal sources, public…) and real-time field feedback, risk anticipation, strategic decision making…
Tailor-made applications
For autonomous and proactive business users, who act with speed and precision on a daily basis, without having to call on the IT team.
Ready in record time
With automated CI/CD deployment chains, a strong SecDevOps culture, Kubernetes architecture, end-to-end data and usage security, Suadeo rivals in ingenuity to minimize production lead times
A robust, agile and secure infrastructure
To support all the changes desired by the business and on-demand deployments, while meeting security and governance rules.
Agile data governance
Structured upstream of the system to secure data according to your regulations, the business remains autonomous over time and can allocate resources and access rights at the right time and at the right level

“Before Suadeo, there was no real-time and traceable application for sharing information that could be used by all departments, all ministries, in an integrated and collaborative way.”
Colonel Christophe Deshayes
Chief of Staff, National Strategic Command Centre, Ministry of the Interior


How Suadeo helped the Ministry of the Interior secure the Olympic Games
L’Usine Digitale
Paris 2024: the National Strategic Command Centre wins the war of fame

OG: the CNCS Hypervision platform has helped create an interdepartmental working community
AEF Info
Big Data: After the success of Paris 2024, three other countries are interested in Suadeo

Security of sporting events: data at the center of play

A next-generation Big Data digital ecosystem
Suadeo allows you to benefit from the same expertise. Depending on your ambitions, your projects Trades, we configure the platform as a modular construction game, selecting the functional modules adapted to your needs. You too, turn your challenges into success! Create custom-made business applications in record time.

I want the same expertise
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