Agile Business Intelligence at the service of decision-making

The Digital Revolution is disrupting driving practices and the relationship to time for managers now forced to react in the moment. This results in a radical transformation of the decision-making tool. Find out how Suadeo’s software supports this paradigm shift. Read the article N°160, April, May, June 2016 of the magazine Informations Entreprise. Clients testify on page 177.

Excerpt from the article:

By founding the company Suadeo in 2004, Azzeddine Bendjebbour has, from the beginning, taken the decision to develop AND advocate for a programmatic approach to business management practices. Also, so that decision-making remains not just a management reporting tool, but a management solution in and for companies, He and his teams designed a simple and ergonomic solution with all the features of Agile Business Intelligence.

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