Too often, the use of data in companies stops at its analysis, leaving aside the crucial stage: the activation of levers of action. Effective decision-making is not limited to the observation of indicators. It must allow, in real time, to understand all the parameters...
CNSA chooses Suadeo for its digital transformation
Published in Decideo: "As part of its digital transformation project, the Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l'Autonomie (CNSA) has chosen the French software publisher Suadeo and its self-data analytics platform from among fifteen solutions." Excerpts from the...
Self Data Business Intelligence at CNSA
Published in the Digital Review: "The Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l'Autonomie (CNSA), which is the Social Security’s Autonomy branch, is conducting a digital transformation project. In this context, the CNSA has chosen the French software company Suadeo for...
When CNSA relies on self-bi to transform its data management
"Social Security Autonomy Branch, the CNSA has equipped itself with a Data service platform from the publisher Suadeo. Objectives: to optimize the management of its data, expose information in open data and improve access and use of the Data." An article published in...
How Suadeo helped the Ministry of the Interior secure the Olympic Games
The press speaks about it: "The French software publisher assisted the Ministry of the Interior in setting up a hypervision platform, then integrated within the National Strategic Command Centre. During the Olympic period, this platform has enabled authorities to...
Suadeo, an accelerator for new hypervision strategies
With its key role in the Olympic Games of Paris 2024, Suadeo is a leader in the supervision of large-scale operations and coordination. Its Digital Hub and business applications are major accelerators for new steering strategies in the broad sense: safety, logistics,...
Digital transformation: Suadeo’s role in the Ministry of Interior
At the Big Data & AI show, the National Strategic Command Centre ("CNCS" in French) revealed one of the keys to success for the 2024 Olympic Games: an interdepartmental Hypervision platform designed with Suadeo. Objective: to modernize the information systems of...
Interministerial community born from Suadeo software platform
For the 2023 Rugby World Cup and the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Ministry of the Interior of France has called on Suadeo to design an innovative hypervision platform. Used by nearly 2 000 operators, this platform, configured from Suadeo Self Data...
Behind-the-scenes tour of securing the Olympic Games
At the BIG DATA & IA PARIS trade fair, the Hypervision pilots of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games explained to the media It For Business how the platform of Suadeo, through the National Strategic Command Center, contributed to the success of the event. An...
Business teams now masters in the use of data
Suadeo shared its vision of 360-degree management through data in the Figaro Partner’s quarterly "Business Solutions". In the newsstands since September 27, this issue showcases the latest innovations in Big Data and AI. A few days before the annual Big Data & AI...
Major events: the Ministry of the Interior equips itself with a big data platform
The announcement appeared in AEF Info. Suadeo’s software platform, deployed in less than five months for the Strategic Command Center (SNCC), helps authorities synthesize situations during major events to accelerate strategic decision-making. Used for the Rugby World...
Beauvau entrusts the creation of its platform to Suadeo
It is in front of ATOS, THALES and PALANTIR that Suadeo was selected to create the hypervision platform for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. A full-scale test was conducted during the Rugby World Cup 2023. Intelligence Online announced on 25 July 2023....
Performance measurement, reporting and simulation: the MGP testifies
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SUADEO gets ahead with Solvency II (Argus insurance Oct 2007)
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Decision-making tool changes management in the health sector
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SUADEO leads in its niche: health decision-making
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The business decision tool must become a management tool in the company
You will find Suadeo’s positioning on or by reading the attached article of the January 2016 issue of Management Magazine. Excerpt from the article: Created in 2004 in Paris, Suadeo is a French software publisher specialized in business decision support for...
Agile Business Intelligence at the service of decision-making
The Digital Revolution is disrupting driving practices and the relationship to time for managers now forced to react in the moment. This results in a radical transformation of the decision-making tool. Find out how Suadeo’s software supports this paradigm shift. Read...
New European Regulation GDPR
Last year, the health platform, Carte Blanche Partenaires, which manages more than 2 million flows per year with personal data, decided to tackle the problem of private data management. « Very few insurance players are already involved while it is time. » C. C. (Code...
Suadeo Campaign on LCI News Channel
Discover it here Suadeo and Carte Blanche Partenaires set up the first Big Data Health platform in France. Complete Business Intelligence software platform (ETL, Dashboard, Report, Query, Multidimensional, etc.), analytical and digital; it covers all the professions...
Suadeo : The Self Business Intelligence which combines Data Governance and Dataviz
[#Innovation #SelfBI] 🚀 Dear network, Find the intervention of Suadeo for CCI-France where we talk about Data Governance and Dataviz and of course Self BI! 💪 Very proud of our teams and our 100% MadeInFrance solution, ahead of FrenchTech!